September, Rituals to Restore, Revive and Renew.

That Autumn Glow…The hues of Summer are starting to shift as we edge gently into September, the light is already becoming more nuanced, if you are in the Western Hemisphere or a staycationing Londoner like me you are already feeling the reduce in temperature and the hues of the sky shapeshifting from cerulean to baby blues and pale grey. The summer not officially quite over but an extra layer being popped into our bag, the fashion feeling a little cosier, a certain New Year feeling in the air as we start to prepare for another season and routines and rythymns to start again.

A few of my personal seasonal shifts and rituals that I embrace for the final quarter of the year. I always schedule a seasonal facial to exfoliate and replenish and restore the residual effects of any extra sun, I include my hair in this as I’ve taken advantage of our proximity to a Lido and swam as much as I could, with sun kissed and slightly drier hair, a trim and nourishing treatment is done in tandem.

It’s also a really nice time to pull out a seasonal capsule wardrobe and my absolute personal favourite are finding my cosy socks and cosy light knits for walks in the Autumn colours and returning home to the comfort of enjoying my autumn soups and nourishing Nidra’s.

If you have any you would add please share and lets make an Autumn comfort list together.

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